Large Files widget
The Large Files widget displays a list of all files larger than 75 MB, sorted from largest to smallest.
The most common use of this widget is to find where large files are located in order to delete them and free up space.
Tip: This widget is also useful for finding long video recordings quickly. When you go to Videos in the By Categories grouping, short video clips are mixed with longer ones, so it's often easier to find them here.
The list in this widget shows the file type, last modified date, source, and size.
You can left-click and right-click on any item in the list to perform actions on it. Read File actions for more details.
Above this widget's list view, the icon puts EdgeRover™
in a mode where you can select multiple items to add to a Collection. The
icon opens a small preview panel that shows a preview
of whatever is selected in the list.